Sunday, May 27, 2007

Bad Knitter, Bad Blogger

Well, I have little to show from all these past months, but here's my hubby's hat anyway.... it's full of soft cottony goodness!
And just 'cause it's lovely, here's something from our garden- a tree dahlia, which blooms around Thanksgiving every year. I've been having fun taking photos in our garden this spring- so much has bloomed like crazy. Guess it was a good weather year for many plants- roses especially.
I finally figured out how to get back into my blogger accounts- something about the google change made it necessary for me to recreate my account (three times to pick up three blogs... go figure).

I refuse to discuss the number of UFOs and their lack of progress... I have been knitting very little, and am not sure why. I think I have four projects in progress, and I REALLY want to start some socks. I vacillate between "nothing new 'til I've finished what I've started" and "better start the socks, maybe it will motivate me". Anyway, I've pulled the sock "starter kit" out of the closet, so I'm getting closer!
Next time, maybe another FO?? Hope so!